In this next installment of TDD we see a few comments from the YouTube crowd that are actually coherent sentences, some of them quite clever and amusing, though I suppose there are always a few 'tards who manage to do something other than scrub tables at your local McDonald's. (Yeesh, making fun of people with mental handicaps, doesn't get much lower than that.)
This compilation of scenes from the 2006 steaming pile of poop starring Nick Cage (a horrible remake of the 1973 British film by the same name) is one of my all time favorite YouTube videos. To quote Roger Ebert when asked about similarly terrible film (Wild Wild West, yeah the one starring Will Smith in 1999), "it's like watching money being burned on screen." In this clip we have a terrible actor screaming about bees, punching women in the face and running around in a bear suit. Sound awesome? It is.
(If you need more misogynistic action you can view an extended collection of clips here.)
On to the comments -
We'll start with the few that are actually quite clever/funny, as I said before, way above par for the average YouTube video.
ACustomConcern - "Dude, the remake is a sin against film, but that montage is exactly what the movie needed to be. I think they should make a film with Cage just going around punching women, whilst wearing a bearsuit. It would make MILLIONS."
I couldn't agree more. I believe Cage's acting really shines when he is wearing that bearsuit, because we can focus more on how "fuckin' sweet" it is that he's wearing a bearsuit and punching women and less on the fact that he is trying desperately to act.
chewie2240 - "I am confused, can someone confirm this to me or am I imagining things? Did I just see an A list Hollywood actor in a movie where the script requires him to do a scene where he sucker punches a young Amish woman while wearing a full on grizzly bear costume?"
While I wouldn't agree with chewie2240's statement that Nick Cage is an A-List actor (though I suppose he does make movies that are "totally awesome" when you're 13 - like "Face-Off"), the sentiment of his post is, I will admit, quite clever.
MrsFossil - "I never realised beating up women could be so fucking funny."
Soul74 - "Classy."
Soul74, I couldn't have put it better myself.
LocalLooney expresses his heartfelt sentiments - "BEAR SUIT OF LOVE"
TomiusJ - "God, haven't seen it, but it looks so awful. What's happened to Nic's acting? Oh, wait... nothing."
Jeez, if the YouTubers keep up like this we won't have much to write about.
Never fear though, there are always idiots lurking around...such as this fellow:
zandizandi - "i just watched the movie and really enjoyed it if you didnt like it set your nuts on fire u fuckn homos."
I think zandizandi was the perfect customer for this film - he makes a compelling case through his exquisite wit for me to set my nuts on fire. I am probably a "fuckn homo" as well!
With that piece of sheer brilliance I'm going to end this post, which was really just an excuse to show you the utter atrocity that is this film. Remember to set your nuts on fire though, because you probably didn't like the movie.
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